
Monday, January 30, 2012

Valentine's Day - Cards & Freebies

I have been working on Valentine Day cards for Hubby. I plan on giving him one a day during our "Ten Days of Love". Here are a few of them.

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The "I heart U" is made from paper, the rocket card is a hybrid of digi and paper, and the owl card is digi. I have the owl card front and the rocket pieces as a free download for you. Just click below to download.

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*Owl card created with Serenity from Designs by Snowlady.

Download Owl Card

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Download Rocket Card

I hope your Valentine's Day plans are coming along!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Valentine's Day - Love Coupons Freebie

I am starting to work on Valentine's Day projects. I plan on doing a "Ten Days of Love" for Hubby which will start February 5th and go through the 14th. One of things he will get each day is a Love Coupon. The coupons will be for things like "eat at a restaurant of your choice (no complaining from me)", "a back scratch", "one free massage", "one free dessert of your choice", and some couple time coupons. I gave him some coupons at Christmas and he loved them. Here are the coupons I'm using.

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*Coupons created using Fruit of the Spirit: Love from Designs by Snowlady and are for PERSONAL USE ONLY.

You can make your coupons good for whatever your hubby will enjoy. Click on the picture above or HERE to download the coupons. I've included a sheet plus the individual coupons. I hope your hubby enjoys them as much as mine does!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Valentine's Day

It's time to start thinking about what to do for Valentine's Day. I have been browsing Pinterest and have several ideas on my Valentine's Board. Now to "pin" down what exactly I'm going to do for Hubby. Stay tuned for ideas!

Friday, January 20, 2012

E-Cards and YouTube

I know that sometimes our days get busy and it seems the week is over before you know it. Well there went another week without a date night. If that is happening to you, remember there are other ways to connect. During December I sent hubby some e-cards and songs from YouTube. They are quick and easy to do. With the e-cards, they send it out. You just have to pick the card. If you have a favorite song, look it up on YouTube, find a version you like, and send it to your spouse's email account.

Here are some free e-card sites:
123 Greetings
River Songs
Greeting Cards

Let your spouse know you are thinking of them - even when your week is crazy and busy.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Do Something Your Spouse Loves

I am not a video game player. When I was younger I loved playing our Atari and arcade games. But now, not so much. Maybe it's the choice of games in the house. Well I decided Date Night would be about the hubby, and we would play X-Box together. So after dinner we sat down to play Call of Duty. I have never played this game before and was at a definite disadvantage. I couldn't quite get the movements down on the controller. Atari had a joystick and a button. Now their are buttons and more buttons that all do different things. Hubby was kind and let me kill him a few times. Of course sometimes he was just standing there and I couldn't shoot him! Hubby thought I was joking about playing X-Box as I've always said no before. I think he enjoyed the time spent doing something he enjoys doing.

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So get out there and do something your spouse loves. It may not be your thing, but they will appreciate the effort you are making!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Snow Shower

For each day leading up to Christmas, I gave the hubby a 4x6 card. Some of them were for things to do, some were love quotes, some were links to songs or e-cards. On Day 22, I went out to his truck before he went to work and left him a snow shower and the card said, "I love you 'snow' much!" I should have cut more snowflakes but oh well. He enjoyed it and was quite surprised. For Valentine's Day I'm going to shower his truck with hearts.

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There are many sites out their with snowflake patterns. Here are a few:

Snowflake Patterns
Snowflake Patterns
Snowflake Patterns
Snowflake Patterns

Have fun "showering" your spouse with a little love!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

College Date Night

Dan and I both attended Purdue University. One weekend we were looking for something cheap to do. My RA had rented the movie The Accidental Tourist. She offered it up to us to watch. We found this to be one of the strangest movies we had ever watched.

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Ever since college, we bring up that movie title all of the time. We couldn't remember what the movie was about just that it was strange! I found the movie on Netflix streaming, so I decided it was time to go back to college for Date Night. I created an invitation and left it on his pillow.

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The plans:

*wear our Purdue shirts
*drop the kids off at Youth Group
*pick up Hardee's on the way home (Hardee's was right across from our dorm in college.)
*watch The Accidental Tourist while eating dinner
*eat ice cream sandwiches for dessert (My RA always had these for snacks during floor meetings. She would always have an extra for Dan. )

I made the ice cream sandwiches myself using homemade chocolate chip cookies and vanilla ice cream.

Directions: Make your favorite type of cookie. Let cool. Set ice cream out to soften a bit. Slice the ice cream into slabs - about a half inch to an inch thick. To cut the ice cream in circles I used a small diameter glass. (Find something that is about the same size as the cookies.) Wrap individually in Saran wrap and freeze.

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I was trying to make this a surprise, but the ice cream was melting. I had to get help from Dan and the boys to get the sandwiches made, wrapped, and in the freezer before we had an ice cream pond.

We had a great time reliving some college moments. The movie made a little more sense this time around but was still strange.

College Date Night (left)

College Date Night (right)

*Layouts created with Be Happy from Scraps by Andrea

Think of a time awhile back in your lives that you can recreate today. Reliving the memories makes for a great Date Night!

Have fun dating your spouse!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

10 Day Challenge Starts Feb. 5

The blog "One Flesh Marriage" will be doing a 10 Day Challenge starting February 5th. The challenge . . . have sex with your spouse for 10 days. Check it out here.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dessert For Sale

Hubby surprised me one night with a flyer on my pillow. He had planned a date night! Anyways here's the flyer (His was filled in with a time and place). You can click on the preview or here for a copy.

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*I recreated hubby's flyer to make it printable for you.

I was supposed to choose a dessert from the ones listed and give it to him. I chose brownies. Chocolate - YUM! We were going to meet Saturday night in the backyard. I say "were". Well it was raining! He had planned to have dessert outside and look at the stars. He even printed a copy of the constellations for us to find. How sweet! So we stayed inside and tried to eat the brownies. The kids ended up eating the brownies. They tasted funny to us (old oil I think), but teenagers will eat anything! Things just weren't going right, and hubby was trying so hard. We ended up eating some chocolate pudding.

Well even when dates don't go as planned, there are the memories of spending time together.



Layouts created with Fruit of the Spirit-Love from Designs by Snowlady.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Breakfast Picnic

After spending some date nights going to dinner, I thought it was time for us to branch out. I planned a Breakfast Picnic at our nearby park. I created an invite to give my hubby and placed it in the bathroom window. We were remodeling our bathroom and knew he'd find it there. (Printable invite at the end of the post.)

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I made plans in my head thinking we would eat at the park, enjoy the playground, take a walk, etc. Well when you live with teenagers something always comes up. This time it was a car wash. We had to drop one son off at the local car dealer at 8:30. No problem I thought. That only puts us a starting a little later than planned. Well 8:30 turned into 9:00 and don't forget to pick him up at 11:00. Ugh! So we do what we can do - make the best of it.

The menu included coffee cake, fruit salad, and drinks (OJ for me and plenty of Diet Coke for him). I had purchased a cheap table cloth because you just never know about park picnic tables. I had also purchased bubbles for us to play with. After we ate and tried to blow a few bubbles, other people were arriving at the park. We decided to pack up the stuff and take a walk. We did stop at some teeter totters to play before we had to head out and get back to the chores of the day.

Date at the Park
Date at the Park
At the Park

All layouts created with Serenity from Designs by Snowlady.

Here's a printable invite for you. This is for personal use only. Just print and fill in the information. Enjoy your date time!

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This Blog

Dan and I have been married for over 20 years. We have 2 teenage boys, and we both work. Yes life is pretty busy. Dan and I always wanted to put family before us as a couple. We weren't those parents that left their kids with grandparents or babysitters to go out to dinner or go away for the weekend. Almost everything we did over the past 14 years have included the kids. In May 2011, I was reading a couple's devotional by myself and I felt the nudging of God. Usually it's not a nudge. Usually I wait to act until God hits me over the head. I don't always notice the subtle hints. Anyways, I felt God nudging me back into a relationship with my husband. So I started searching around on the net for sites and books and found some very helpful resources. One of the things we've added into our marriage is DATE NIGHT! Date night for us means couple time - usually not family time. We have managed a few dates over the past few months and look forward to many more over the next year. I've started this blog to share our date ideas and give others some ideas and reassurances that it is okay to still date after you are married.